Sunday, December 08, 2013


Real Estate 实在是太变态了,不过考虑到还没开始复习的partnership 还有 SALT。 哎。。。。。昨天忍住了,再奋斗上4个小时,把worksheet还有slide都看一遍,回家把take home 写了! 倒计时: 11天

Friday, December 06, 2013

Last Two weeks

So bad....That's too bad. I think Carol must be really disappointed. I made too many stupid mistakes and I don't even know why that could happen. So fracturing. In the last two weeks, no movies no anime no TV series. I need at least 3 As. I NEED IT!!! God bless me. I was so wrong......and I want to make a change. A real change. I know I said it for many many times. But I need a change in my life. I can't be like this any more. I am done with this rotten lifestyle. Now it is the time. Start from now!